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Advocacy, Business Development and Market Access
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Growing a Business
Growth and Expansion - PEF-BG GE-01
Feasibility for Growth - PEF-GB FG-04
Business Innovation, Opportunities and Risks - PEF-GB BIOR 03
Leadership for Growth - PEF-GB LG-02
Business - Strategic Alignment - PEF-GB SA 05
Budget Forecasting - PEF- GB BF-06
Organisational change -PEF-GB OC 04
Operational Enhancement for Growth - PEF-GB OPE 08
Starting a Business
BSU Employee, Recruitment, Training and Motivation
Accounting and Cashflow - PEF-BSU AC-06
Business Insurance - PEF - BSU BI-06
Buying a Business or Franchise - PEF-BSU BF 10
Computer Basics - PEF-BSU CB-01
E-Commerce - PEF-BSU EC 01
Evaluating Business Potential - PEF-BSU EBP-02
How to Finance Your Business - PEF-BSU FB-08
Information Communication Technology - PEF BSU-ICT 12
License, Permit and Names - PEF BSU - LPN 05
Operations and Marketing - PEF-BSU OP-12
Preparing a Business Plan - PEF-BSU BP-03
Business Development Training by the Private Enterprise Federation. Go back to the main site
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