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Impact study of the special tax on certain imported items

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  • Type of document: PEF Research Report

This study is part of a number of studies being conducted by the Private Enterprise Foundation (PEF) under the Private Sector Promotion Programme (PSPP) funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Programme is aimed at strengthening  the technical and institutional  capacity  of  the  private  sector  in  Ghana to  undertake  productive  investments  in order to accelerate the growth of the sector.

As an advocacy organization, PEF is undertaking the studies with the view to using the research findings  to  effectively  dialogue  with  the  government  for  the  necessary improvements  in  the macro-economic policies, regulations and legal framework affecting the private sector.

The broad objective of the study is to assess the impact of the Special Import Tax on the local manufacturing industry.   The study is being conducted only a year after the introduction of the tax and may therefore not uncover its full impact.   This notwithstanding, it is expected that at least the short-term effects would be captured and provide some relevant findings for future policy direction.

Read 3298 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 May 2016 13:21
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