Private Enterprise Federation ICT Platform

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Assessing the effectiveness of using global compact cities promgramme for the development of Ghanaian cities in some selected MMDAs

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  • Type of document: PEF Research Report

Among the strategic objectives of the Private Enterprise Foundation (PEF) IS the policy to maintain a close relationship with private sector business organizations and to be the lead organization that would play an advocacy role in influencing policies and regulations of government. The Foundation would also relate to other internal and external bodies for the creation of an enabling economic environment that would ensure that private business in Ghana could increasingly contribute to national development.

In furtherance of this policy, PEF undertakes macroeconomic and policy analyses to develop information for enhanced advocacy and public- private sector dialogue with the view to gathering relevant data to equip the private sector to dialogue effectively with government and agencies as well as other institutions that provide services to the private sector

Read 2989 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 16:27
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