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Challenges and opportunities in science, technology and enterprise development for sustainable industrial growth in ghana

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  • Type of document: PEF Research Report

This colloquium, coming so soon after the First National Forum on Harnessing Research, Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of Ghana, held at the International Conference Centre, Accra, from March 15th to 19th, 2004 encourages me to amplify, explain further and contextualize better, some of the following key statements I made and ideas I espoused within the constraints of the planned period of the forum when I spoke on

Research, Science & Technology in Enterprise Development and Industrial Growth in Ghana (1).

The highlights are summarized as follows:

Technical change and incremental progress in technology are recognized drivers of rapid industrial and sociology-economic development.

To manage technology for accelerated industrial development requires a mastery of the innovation process.

Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas, products, materials, techniques and processes in businesses, in manufacturing or in services.




Read 3317 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 16:25
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