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Report on the Cost of Administrative Corruption

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  • Type of document: PEF Research Report

This Research Report is the product of a review of the legal regime for permit/licensing/certification of businesses to enable them operate in Ghana, and administration of questionnaires and interviews to ascertain the actual cost of administrative corruption and confirm implementation of certain parts of the recommendations contained in the PEF Research Report 

The research analysis of administration of questionnaire on the cost of corruption and stakeholder engagements on research findings on the cost of corruption in the licensing regime for businesses in Ghana.

Business Owners, Observers and Staff of Administering agencies recognize that “facilitation fees”, (unofficial payments) that they make to staff of the Administering Agencies to avoid delays in the licensing regime constitutes administrative corruption. The givers justified their actions on the grounds of wanting to avoid unnecessary delays and its attendant costs to their businesses, and staff of Administering agencies justified taking these fees for personal use or as transportation to the field, which indeed facilitates the process. 


Read 3068 times Last modified on Thursday, 06 February 2020 06:25
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