Private Enterprise Federation ICT Platform

Private Enterprise Federation ICT Platform :: Details

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The ICT Industry comprises telecommunications operators, internet service providers, VSAT data operators, software manufacturers, broadcast institutions, ICT education providers, internet cafés, etc. Generally, the Ministry of Communications and the National Communications Authority (NCA) oversee activities in the sector. They have…
Ghanaian timber is highly valued for its durability and aesthetic appearance. It is used in the manufacture of products such as floorings, furniture, carvings, toys, Mouldings, rafters, sea defense walls, wall cladding piers, and railway sleepers, among other items.
Ghana's utilities sector includes the Water, Sanitation and Electricity Sectors. Ghana water sector is segmented into two parts and are identified as the Urban Water sector and Community Water sector. The Urban Water sector comprises about 87 cities and towns…
The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a multibillion-dollar industry that depends on…
The Ghanaian real estate market has seen significant expansion due to the rapid growth of the Ghanaian economy and the influx of foreign investors into the country. Demand for various types of properties is on the increase and there are…
Ghana’s oil and gas prospects are significant. It is believed that Ghana’s oil and gas resources stretches across the country’s shoreline from the west (Cape Three Points) to the east (Keta). Similarly, the Voltaian Basin, which covers over 40 percent…

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