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PEF Advocacy Action on Streamlining Cross Sectoral Licensing Requirements In Ghana

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The process of acquiring licenses and permits for business operations are key determinant of private sector development and economic growth and for that matter, the nature and mode of implementation of these licenses and permits have great effects on the private sector. Any delays caused in acquiring these licenses and permits add to the cost of doing business.

A study of the regime for business registrations in Ghana was carried out in 2008 at the request of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The study reviewed the time and cost for complying with requirements for registration with the Companies Registry, Internal Revenue Service, and various local government authorities.

As a follow up to that study, in 2009 the USAID sponsored a research study to identify all licensing, permits and certification requirements affecting businesses in Ghana. The study showed that, about a total of 145 or more business licenses, permits and certification requirements were in force in Ghana and affected businesses to varying degrees. The Federation realized that addressing all 145 requirements at a go may be difficult to tackle so decided to identify those permits, licenses and certificates that affect all businesses, in effect those that are cross-sectoral. With support from the Business Sector Advocacy Challenge (BUSAC) Fund, PEF in 2010-2012 conducted a research study that identified cross sectoral licensing requirements in Ghana.


Read 3235 times Last modified on Monday, 29 May 2017 10:58
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